Castle Hill School SEN Information Report
Date of last review November 2024.
Castle Hill School is located in Huddersfield, South Kirklees. We cater for the needs of learners aged 3 – 19 years with severe or profound learning difficulties. Many of our students also have complex needs linked to physical or health difficulties. Some of our students are identified as being on the autistic spectrum. Many of our students have sensory impairments and some are multi-sensory impaired.
Our specialism is Communication and Interaction and we aim to meet the individual needs of all our students through a variety of curricula and enrichment opportunities.
What are the school’s policies for the identification and assessment of the pupils’ needs?
All pupils have or are under assessment for an Education Health Care Plan, which is reviewed annually. Ongoing and rigorous assessment ensures that teaching is adapted and matched to the pupils’ needs.
What is the provision for pupils at Castle Hill and how is it evaluated?
The school is purpose built and provides a bespoke learning environment with flexible use of spaces. We have specialist facilities such as hydrotherapy, rebound rooms, sensory rooms, quiet rooms and outdoor learning areas. Pupils are taught in small classes and grouped by learning need. There is a high staff to pupil ratio in every class. The school uses a range of interventions supported by a multi professional team employed or commissioned by the school. Child centred planning and careful assessment ensures the curriculum is engaging and personalised to support the best possible progress for all pupils.
Further information can be found by visiting:
What arrangements are there for consulting parents of children with SEN and involving them in their children’s education?
Parents and carers are fully involved in the education of their children. Regular communication is maintained via home/school diaries, phone calls, coffee mornings, parent support group and training, parents’ evenings and annual EHCP Review meetings. As part of the above, parents and carers have opportunity to discuss their child’s learning and progress with the multi professional team working at the school.
Further information can be found by visiting:
What are the arrangements for consulting pupils and involving them in their education?
The personalised curriculum and the strong and trusting relationships built with staff ensure that pupils’ views are listened to and taken into account in all aspects of their school life. School council also provides the students with an active voice within the decision process at Castle Hill School.
Further information can be found by visiting:
What are the arrangements for assessing and reviewing pupils’ progress towards outcomes?
Assessment at Castle Hill is personal to the individual. We use a number of different systems that are combined to provide a holistic view of each child and their individual progress. We use MAPP as a method of setting and assessing small step towards EHCP targets. This is updated on a half-termly basis and reviewed by Senior Leaders at the end of each term. Castle Hill is also lead school for the roll out of the Engagement Model, which in partnership with the Pre-KeyStage standards is used to review and assess progress in pupils working below Key Stage 1. In addition to the formal assessments we use ongoing observations of each individual to support progress and inform next steps.
Achievement is also assessed using Castle Hill Levels. Targets are set at the beginning of the autumn term and assessed as the year progresses towards summer. The data indicates the general progress of each Key Stage over the academic year.
We use also use Learning Journals, case studies, accreditation and qualification schemes and end of year reports supported by photographs and video to evidence progress.
Further information can be found be visiting:
What is the approach to teaching pupils with SEN and how is the curriculum adapted?
The school uses a personalised approach to teaching and follows a thematic curriculum, which is developmentally, and age appropriate.
Further information can be found by reading the Teaching and Learning Toolkit which can be found at:
Please also follow this link to our Phonics strategy /learning/phonics-strategy
What arrangements does the school make to ensure staff have the training and expertise to support pupils with SEN?
The school provides bespoke training in relation to our pupils’ specific needs and also broader training on SEND. External training is also accessed to ensure staff have a range of professional development to support their practice. Further information can be requested by contacting the school. Please e-mail:
What arrangements are made for pupils with SEN joining, transferring or leaving the school?
Well-planned and personalised transitions are planned for all pupils at every stage of their education. Teachers work collaboratively with parents, carers and other professionals to create and deliver transition arrangements which support wellbeing, independence and progress.
How does the governing body involve other bodies to meet the needs of pupils with SEN, including support to promote emotional, mental and social development for pupils with SEN?
The governing body encourage, promote and monitor multi-agency working. The school works with social care, health and a wide variety of other external partners to ensure a holistic learning experience is delivered. One such example of this is our partnership work with the Paul Hamlyn Foundation which has enabled the school to run and lead a community based art project from 2023 until 2025.
Teachers plan meaningful learning opportunities foster independence, resilience, social communication, emotional regulation and the development of life skills including a sense of self and keeping safe.
Please visit the following links for additional information:
What are the arrangements regarding complaints from parents of pupils with SEN?
Parents and carers are encouraged to contact their child’s class teacher in the first instance. If this is not appropriate, then the Principal or Senior Leadership team should then be contacted. The Complaints Procedure is available on the school website or in hard copy from the school.
Support Available
Parents of children with SEN may find the following support services helpful, in addition to the school’s offerings:
Active Social Care – Tel: 01484 544100 or email:
Autism Education Trust – Tel: 0207 903 3650 Email:
Carers Resource – Contact via website:
Carers Trust – Tel: 0844 800 4361 Email:
Carers UK – Tel: 0808 808 7777 Email: or via the website:
Cerebra – Tel: 01267 244200 Email:
Citizens Advice – Website:
Disability Rights UK – Tel: 020 7250 8181
Epilepsy Society – Tel: 01494 601400
IPSEA – Independent Parent Special Education Advice Website:
Mencap – Website:
National Autistic Society – Tel: 020 7833 2299 Email:
Polaris (formerly Core Assets)-
Where is the information on the Local Offer for children with SEN in Kirklees published?
The school’s contribution to the Kirklees Local Offer can be found on our website or is available in a hard copy from school.
Available at:
Admissions are coordinated through the Kirklees SENDACT team: Tel: 01484 221000
The Kirklees Local Offer can be found at Home | Kirklees SEND Local Offer (