Careers and Work-Related Learning at Castle Hill School

Core Aims

Through the teaching of Careers we aim for all students to;

  • acknowledge their own achievements and, where appropriate, limitations
  • communicate effectively in a variety of contexts and situations
  • promote cooperation, tolerance and respect for others
  • develop their understanding of the world of work
  • use knowledge learnt in other contexts
  • develop positive attitudes to the safety of themselves, others and equipment
  • adjust and cope with change
  • where appropriate, develop a curiosity, awareness and understanding of future options

We hope the  above  acquired  skills,  knowledge, understanding  and  experience  of  the  world  of  work  will  allow  students  to  make  informed  choices about Employment, Education or Training (EET) and be able to adapt to their changing environment after leaving Castle Hill School.

Careers and Work-Related Learning are identifiable within all aspects of our curriculum across school, but particularly in the Sixth Form Department, which has the clear intention of preparing our students to be as independent as possible in their adult lives, to contribute to and participate positively in their communities.  

“The curriculum is designed to enable all students to be effective communicators, giving them confidence and preparing them to take an active role in their community, influence their world, make positive contributions, be responsible and achieve social and emotional fulfilment.” (Castle Hill School Curriculum Overview)

​The curriculum pathways that students work through in the Sixth Form are designed to prepare them for future destinations as well as developing their overall independence skills.  We have a highly personalised Careers and Work-Related Learning programme, which is planned for in the Secondary and Sixth Form curriculums (see Curriculum page) and is tracked through the nationally recognised framework of “Gatsby Benchmarks”. At Castle Hill, we have expanded these benchmarks to meet the needs of our students.  For information on how we work towards the Gatsby Benchmarks, please see our document here.

Under the Provider Access Legislation, (updating existing legislation under the “Baker Clause”), all students from years 8 through to 14 are offered opportunities for access to a range of meaningful education and training providers. These are carefully considered based on individual learner need and bespoke to potential destination settings. Where appropriate, links within the community are facilitated, enabling learners to engage in work-related learning.  ​

Cross phase topic areas also provide further opportunities to expand knowledge of Work-Related Learning at all ages.

Work Experience Opportunities

We provide bespoke Work-Related Learning opportunities where appropriate that include, but are not limited to:

  • Bus trips into the community, visiting places such as supermarkets and cafes
  • Experiencing different modes of public transport
  • A local farm allotment
  • Visits from different professionals, such as emergency service providers
  • Accessing work experience across different settings e.g., barbers, nursery
  • Roles and responsibilities within school, for example delivering milk, sweeping leaves, collecting recycling.

​The ReWorks Centre

This new building, on the school grounds, provides bespoke opportunities to access a wide variety of Work-Related learning. Students have access to a space created to provide experience of the workplace in a safe and controlled environment, specific to each learners needs.  Activities include upcycling, recycling, and links within the community.

Recording and Assessment

As the Careers and Work-Related Learning programme is personalised to individual learner need, their progress is measured within the School’s MAPP and PiP assessment systems (linked to individual learners’ personal targets within their EHCP).  Accreditation and external assessment is accessed through the ASDAN Personal Progress and Personal and Social Development schemes.  As a school, we monitor and evaluate effectiveness of the Careers and Work-Related Learning programmes through analysis of progress in these assessment and accreditation systems.

Information, Advice and Guidance for families

Parents, carers and families form a vital part in the decision-making process in choosing future options and preparing students for the transition to life after school.  We support families in decisions around their child’s preparations for adulthood in the following ways:

  • Parents’ evening and informal discussions
  • Annual Review meetings
  • meeting our C&K Careers Advisor*
  • “Leavers’ Fair” – where service providers are available to share information and have a chat with families.  This is often held on Parents’ evening
  • “Coffee and Cake” events – hosted by our Sixth Form students and offering a chance to meet a range of service providers
  • supported visits to possible destination settings
  • invitations to the Kirklees Local Offer Live event

* For more information on C&K Careers please go to

particularly, the following page:

​For information on services available through Kirklees please see the Local Offer website at:

Our Careers Leader is: Victoria Lee

Telephone 01484 544558 or Email:

Click here to view our Careers Policy