Our school Aim clearly outlines expectations and hopes for our students as they progress and learn.


We aim to enable all students to be effective communicators, to engage in meaningful learning and be empowered to positively influence their world.

Our transition arrangements provide a framework of support to enable our students and families to feel safe, secure and ready for each new milestone before, during and after their time at Castle Hill School. 

​Preparation for transition runs through our school structure:

Transition to school

Our Early Years pupils and their families and carers are supported with their transition into school life through home visits, nursery visits, ‘stay and play’ sessions and our ‘open door’ philosophy.

Transition in school

During the year: Throughout the school year students have weekly opportunities to work with peers and staff from different classes and departments in Communication and Enrichment lessons. Other whole school and departmental processes such as assemblies and communication groups support a sense of familiarity. As a result, students’ knowledge of peers, classes, school areas, community destinations, staff and stakeholders is enhanced which aids our transition agenda.      

Towards the end of the year: Teaching staff ensure departmental and class transition is planned and facilitated from an early stage, ensuring links are graduated towards our ‘Transition Fortnight’. This annual event begins, two weeks prior to the end of the academic year. Students’ transition to destination classrooms and departments within this time to ensure our academic year can begin in September with transition already successfully embedded. Two parents’ evenings per academic year and EHCP reviews also assist towards transition.

​Transition from School

Our Sixth Form students and their families are prepared for Graduation from an early stage. Our Careers advisor in partnership with school and social care provides advice and guidance regarding transitions and destinations.

Further structures within school that assist towards final transition:

  • Preparing for Adulthood – Local Offer Live event (an event funded and run in partnership with other special schools in the Local Authority) 
  • Castle Hill Coffee and Cake Event which is held annually enabling parents and students to meet with destination providers   
  • Parental visits to service providers, held annually to ensure parents fully understand the options available
  • Leavers Forums- Professional meetings held termly to discuss our graduates’ transition arrangements.
  • Destination visits by students; this is supported through our Work-Related Learning Pathway.

The curriculum

Our whole school curriculum guides build towards transition through the promotion of independence.  

From Key Stage 4 we reference the Gatsby benchmarks and careers through the PSHCE curriculum.  

Ultimately, our Sixth Form curriculum leads towards destinations.

Sixth Form Transition Pathways 

Please click on the link to access our Curriculum Overview

​Beyond Graduation

We are proud of our Graduates and enjoy keeping in contact with them and their continued development. Post-graduation data helps to ensure that destinations are fit for purpose and provide extended and successful placements.  

Please click on the links to access our Leavers Information page