At Castle Hill school we are committed to enabling every student to ‘find their voice’ and a Total Communication approach underpins everything that we do. This includes using Intensive Interaction, objects of reference, songs and sounds of reference, touch cues, photos, Boardmaker symbols, Makaton signs, speech, the written word and low tech and high tech communication aids. Within school there are students who use single message and multiple button VOCAs, dynamic devices and eye gaze technology as well as communication books and core vocabulary boards.

The Speech and Language Therapist and Communication Teacher collaborate and work with class staff to carry out assessments to determine each student’s communication need, how to meet that need and next steps. A communication audit for each student takes place every year and this information supports EHCPs and MAPP targets.

Individual communication sessions focus on Makaton, Intensive Interaction and using communication aids  and there are also Reading interventions for a small number of pupils

For students with more complex communication needs we seek the advice of The Barnsley Assistive Technology Team. Students can also be referred  for a Speech and Language Therapy assessment by the school or parents.

Please contact Jayne Askew for more information on (01484) 544558.