Department for Education’s primary school PE and sport funding site
Sport Premium update September 2023
The government is providing all schools with additional funding to improve the provision of Physical Education (PE) and Sports in schools. This funding is ring-fenced which means it can only be used for its specified purpose.
How are we using the Sport Premium?
Here at Castle Hill School we are using the Sport Premium to enhance the learning opportunities of our pupils. Staff are trained to deliver high quality PE and school sport to all.
For 2023/2024 Castle Hill School is expecting to receive an allocation of £16,570.
Our current plans for utilising the funding are:
Sport Premium Current Year
For 2022/2023 Castle Hill School received an allocation of £16,580.
Sport Premium Previous Year
The majority of our current year 6 cohort experience learning in water. For most, this involves accessing the school’s hydrotherapy pool where they engage in personalised programmes to promote strength, flexibility and relaxation whilst also working on communication and interaction skills. Some pupils access swimming lessons at the public swimming baths where they work on a range of early swimming and water confidence skills. However, due to our pupils’ physical and learning needs it is not appropriate to teach the swimming skills identified in guidelines for publishing information about year 6 swimming.