November 2023 - The Quality in Careers Standard is the national quality award for careers education, information, advice and guidance (CEIAG) in schools, colleges and work-based learning. It is fully aligned with the eight Gatsby Benchmarks for “Good Career Guidance” and fully complies with the Department for Education’s ‘statutory guidance’.



May 2022 - (Renewal due May 2025) Unicef works with schools in the UK to create safe and inspiring places to learn, where children are respected, their talents are nurtured and they are able to thrive. The Unicef UK Rights Respecting Schools Award celebrates schools which embed these values in daily school life and gives children the best chance to lead happy, healthy lives and to be responsible, active citizens.


May 2022 -  (Renewal due May 2025) The Inclusion Quality Mark provides schools with a nationally recognised framework to guide their inclusion journey. Accreditation received May 2022

‘During the one-day visit I found all staff to be very knowledgeable about their school and most importantly their students, and their differing needs that must guide their practice. Staff are tireless when it comes to achieving the best for their students. The leaders set the tone for the supportive, community ethos where cooperation, acknowledgement and celebration of different abilities, aspiration and happiness are truly valued’. Assessor: Rachel Campbell Findings confirmed by Inclusion Quality Mark (UK) Ltd: Joe McCann MBA NPQH Director of Inclusion Quality Mark (UK) Ltd


January 2023 - School Improvement and the effective use of Educational Technology is at the heart of what Naace supports our membership with.

We advocate for schools to take up the Self-Review Framework (SRF) - maturity model which helps schools to:
- Understand where they are in their technology strategy
- Plan the next stages of their technology strategy
- Record their progress
Naace Mark is an award available to schools that have achieved level 2 across all elements of the Naace Self Review Framework (SRF).


June 2023-2026 - The Healthy Schools certificate recognises our ongoing commitment to raise attainment and achievement by improving the health and wellbeing of students.


March 2024 - West Yorkshire asthma friendly schools initiative aims to improve the care of pupils with asthma by raising awareness regarding this common long-term medical condition and providing information, training and support for pupils, parents/carers and school staff. 


The School Mental Health Award Gold, accredited by Leeds Beckett University recognises excellence in mental health and wellbeing strategies, structures, practices, and outreach. The award ensures schools are using evidence-based approaches that align to professional and government guidelines. The award utilises a developmental framework, which allows schools to evaluate current mental health practices, identify gaps, develop, and strengthen these and work towards building an emotionally healthier environment.


July 2024 - The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. Participating in this process allows schools to evaluate their PE provision and assists them in developing an action plan for future progress.


December 2022 - (Renewal prepared by school but paused by provider due to restructuring award) The Makaton Friendly Scheme recognises organisations that strive to make their services accessible to people who use Makaton to aid their communication. Castle Hill School are excited for the updated Makaton Friendly partnership programme, due to launch 1st February 2024. Click here for further information. Whilst we wait for the applications to open, we continue to work within the principles of a Makaton Friendly School. 


April 2021 - (Renewal has been applied for by school, however, has been paused due to provider capacity) Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural development runs through everything we do at Castle Hill.  This nationally recognised Quality Mark recognises the work that we do in this area for students and the wider school community.


November 2022 - The Democracy Friendly Award celebrates young people’s voice.

In achieving the award students have learnt about being part of the local community, building confidence, the application of Life Skills and building relationships with the community.




November 2022 - We are proud to have supported the Oak Academy resource to assist learning during and after the COVID 19 pandemic. We have received this letter of recognition regarding our contribution. 

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