Our Parent and Carer Surveys provide us with vital information regarding how you as parents and carers feel about your child’s education and the school.

We asked you to comment on your levels of satisfaction on a number of criteria, based partly on the questions used by Ofsted for their Parent View.

We are always pleased to receive positive and constructive feedback which helps us identify our good practice and areas for development. Some of our responses are highlighted below, for the full survey results and a selection of comments please see the link below.

The latest survey was sent out in January 2025.

Updated: 24/01/2025 177 KB
Updated: 01/02/2024 123 KB
Updated: 17/11/2023 141 KB
Updated: 17/11/2023 180 KB

We are very pleased to get positive feedback, but we also value hearing about any problems that may have arisen. The Parent and Carer survey is anonymous so although we would wish to work through any issues, we can only do so where parents have put their name. If any family would like to give us further feedback or clarify any issue, we are happy to hear from you.