Our broad and balanced school curriculum is enhanced with a variety of enriching activities and learning experiences that our pupils can join in with.

After School Club

Our After School Club is available to all of our pupils, running most Tuesdays until 5.00 pm. The club gives our pupils opportunities to play and work together on creative and sporting activities. Recent projects have included making a new display for the school hall and working with our friends from Omnis on accessible games. The club is run by the school's Enrichment Activities Facilitator and overseen by the Deputy Principal. Places are allocated on a rota basis dependent on demand.

Please contact the school office for more details.

Music Therapy

Richard from Nordorf-Robbins uses music therapy to interact and stimulate communication with our pupils. Music provides opportunities for engagement, allowing our pupils to express themselves, interact, and be active participants.


Dance Provision

Jamie from Arty-Physical provides dance sessions to our pupils. These can range from working with a small group towards a performance, developing their physical skills and confidence, or work with a pupil, using dance as a means of establishing and developing communication.


Sport Provision

Omnis Circumvado CIC deliver a range of sport and physical development activities to classes. They ensure the activities are inclusive and adapted for our pupils. They also support our After School Club, working with Katrina and our team.


School Led Tutoring Grant

We are pleased that our pupils make very good progress in their learning, and we can see that no 'groups' of pupils are at any disadvantage (for example, based upon gender, ethnicity, or social need - please see our termly assessment reports for more information). We have recognised that many children have challenges with their regulation, however, so we were pleased to be working with a Sensory Occupational Therapist during the academic year 2022-23 . The Sensory Occupational Therapist worked with pupils, staff, and families to provide techniques and strategies to promote our pupils' skills in self-regulation.